Never, Nothing Parent Account:Swimming Ideas Current Level: Level 4 Evaluations They’re awesome Levels Mastered Guppies Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Parent Tot Skills Mastered Guppies: G: Alligator Walk Guppies: G: Be a part of a group activity like Bake a Cake Guppies: G: Follow instructions and play a three step game like “Treasure Hunt.” Guppies: G: Independent water exploration in chest deep water with supervision Guppies: G: Lay flat on your back in zero-depth water with ears underwater. Level 1: L1: Go underwater & recover to standing Level 1: L1: Going Underwater Unassisted Level 1: L1: Supported Back Glide Level 1: L1: Supported Front Glide Level 2: L2: Introduced to fly kick Level 2: L2: Streamline 3 body lengths on both front and back (back can be in soldier) Level 2: L2: Streamline and then back crawl arms for 5 body lengths Level 2: L2: Streamline and then front crawl arms for 5 body lengths (total) Groups Shark
Doesn’t like fish.